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ProRes is a high-quality video compression format developed by Apple Inc. It is designed for use in professional video production and post-production workflows, where high-quality, low-compression video is required.

ProRes is a "lossy" compression format, which means that some image data is discarded during the compression process in order to reduce the file size. However, unlike other lossy formats, ProRes is specifically designed to minimize the loss of visual information and to maintain as much image quality as possible.

ProRes is available in several different versions, each with different levels of compression and quality. The higher the version number, the less compression is applied and the higher the resulting image quality. The ProRes family includes ProRes 422, ProRes 422 HQ, ProRes 422 LT, ProRes 422 Proxy, ProRes 4444, and ProRes 4444 XQ.

ProRes is widely used in professional video production and post-production workflows, especially in the film and television industries. It is supported by a wide range of professional video editing and compositing software, as well as by many high-end cameras and video capture devices.

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